In capable hands, a camera phone, one of the most widely used camera’s in history, can produce compelling images. However, experience and philosophy of photographing will produce a truly remarkable memorable image directing and inspiring you to hire a professional photographer like me!
Listed below are some of the ways to utilize the thousands of photos you may have produced on your phone(s):
* There are many sites that manage your photos for you, visit some and you’ll discover even more! Flickr, Snapfish, Smugmug, HP, and all phone sites like iPhone, Verizon, etc. have ways to help you organize the camera roll. I encourage you to do this so the amount of photos does not continually just roll by and soon you will forget about the memorable moments you recorded.
You may ask yourself, why keep them?
The advantage of “instant gratification” with taking the photos on your phone should, in a way, be respected. It indeed serves a purpose, you are there at the moment and don’t need to consult anyone else to take the picture. You are most likely capturing something that is very important, fun, or even spontaneous, so don’t forget about the pictures!
Download the photos to your computer and put them into subject categories or albums. At some point, in the near future, store them on the cloud or anywhere you choose but keep them organized and safe. – Deals here
Make prints directly from your cell phone. Force yourself to print at least one photo from every album you make and share it with your parents or grandparents so they still have a tangible print to enjoy.
Use the camera phone as a tool. Use it to record important information on it; like prescription labels. Take a picture of them so you have the info handy when at the pharmacy, or do this for your parents or grandparents. Use the camera to help you consider the condition of a vacation home, and how important recording the condition of the home is as you take ownership. If there is a car accident, you can instantly record the damage.
In summary, camera phones serve a purpose but don’t forget to ENJOY the experience and beauty of custom photography to create a unique and memorable photograph for your family legacy!
Even if you think your phone photos are “good enough”, I can assure you that most people continue to just keep taking photos, storing them on the camera roll, and then forget about them.
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